
PMS blues

I bet my post title sent any male visitors to my blog dashing for cover! :) Anyway, my hormones are really wreaking havoc on my moods. I have to keep making a conscious effort not to give in to it but I still end up being more irritable than I usually am. I've noted that it's either one of two emotions: becoming too weepy or getting infuriated over every little thing. This month it's getting infuriated.

This morning, I went to town to get a few groceries and I found myself wanting to take a firecracker and lighting it under a couple of people's asses because they were walking so slowly. Seriously. I walk very fast myself but with the very narrow sidewalks that we have in our city, even if I wanted to overtake someone walking ahead of me, it would be a little difficult. So I was left feeling extremely annoyed that I had to slow my pace down. I know I'm being silly and unreasonable. Just because I walk like someone's after me doesn't mean everyone else should. :)

*Sigh* Being a woman is hard.

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this post. Have a wonderful day!