
Thursday Thirteen # 12


13 Things That Tick Me Off

1. People who don't say "Please" or "Thank you".
2. People who blame others, and everything else around them, for their failures or misfortunes but never themselves.
3. In the workplace, nothing irritates me more than staff who use their seniority to pass on their personal grunge work to junior co-workers.
4. Refer to # 3: Junior staff who let them get away with it.
5. Couples who engage in blatant displays of public affection. Get a room for heaven's sake.
6. Ringing celllphones inside a church, cinema, in meetings, etcetera. There's a reason for that silent/vibe mode, you know.
7. People in the supermarket who stop in the middle of an aisle with their shopping carts to chat thus blocking other people's way.
8. Couples who are TOO mitchy-matchy with the way they dress, the stuff they own like watches, perfume, shoes (all his & hers)… you get the drift. Really. Matching outfits only look cute on kids.
9. Male drivers who assume they can overtake you, cut you on the road just because it's a lady driving.
10. People who give up before they've even tried.
11. People who show up late for appointments, work & dates. It merely shows that they don't respect you and your time.
12. People who invade my personal space. Especially those I'm not close to.
13. People who try to impose their religious faith, practices or beliefs on me. You worry about your soul and I'll worry about mine, okay?


  1. I think I agree with every one of these, esp #1.

    The Pink Flamingo

  2. I could do this topic every other week. There are so many folks out there who think only of themselves and do such stupid stuff. Some of my hot buttons are lined right up with yours. I did a nice, sedate, TT of travel pics this week. Happy Thursday.

  3. These are all great great great. We may be long lost siblings.

  4. I hope I never tick you off! LOL

  5. I am not troubled by #9, of course, but I agree with you about all the rest.

  6. Gosh, I couldn't agree with you more. For me? Particularly the inconsiderate of your time. I have so many friends who are late or cancel because they are "busy." What am I??

    Happy TT.

  7. I am SOOOOO with you on #11. I have two friends who keep me waiting al the time. I've tried to explain exactly what you wrote here, but to no avail.

  8. #1 is my pet peeve...right next to not apologizing for bumping into someone.

  9. You came up with quite a list. #8 made me laugh. Years ago in Japan it was called the "pair look." Come to think of it, I haven't seen that in a while. Maybe they "grew up." ;-)

  10. Oh yeah, especially numbers 2 and 12!

  11. Excellent idea for a list, and I agree with all 13 of them! Happy TT :)

  12. Okay, really, it's scary how much the same things tick us off. lol

    Happy TT.

  13. This list was very refreshing. Like a glass of Ginger Ale in a world of Kool-Aid. Well done.

  14. #2&13 are high on my list of pet peeves.

  15. Amen to the whole cotton pickin' list...Amen!

  16. I may have to use this idea for next week! Thanks for stopping by. Happy TT!

  17. I agree with you on all of these... esp. 1, 6, 7, 12, and 13. I remember once that me and my then girlfriend accidentally wore solid black sweaters. I can't remember whether or not one of us changed, but I was careful not to let it happen again.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this post. Have a wonderful day!