
Caught up again

When I wrote I'd be back in a few, I hadn't really planned for it to mean "in a few DAYS" but I got caught up again with so many things that had to be dealt with first. Anyway, let me just give you a brief rundown of the last six months that I've been away from my blog:

Me. I've finished a year of graduate school already, yippee! That's 18 units down and 24 to go (I think, hehe!). Don't ask me how I managed because I have no idea how.

My battle with my post pregnancy weight has been a rollercoaster ride. I lose, I gain then lose again and so on. What's worse is that my ortho doctor has banned me from doing any jogging/running for now because of my back. I guess I'll have give more emphasis on my diet - low carb, low fat, high protein. Bummer.

My boys. Jeolo finished his first year of school, yay! They didn't have any grad rites because the school admin thinks the entire celebration would be lost on the kids. They said only the parents would derive some satisfaction from it and I actually agreed with them. I can be so unsentimental sometimes. I do celebrate the advances Jeolo has made. He can now write his full name and nickname, color within the lines and in one direction, recite poems, sing songs, dance, do simple addition, subtraction and understand the concept of fractions. He constantly surprises me with how much he's grown.

Liam's seven months old now and drooling like a leaky fire hydrant. He loves being around a lot of people and is so much more even-tempered than Jeolo was at his age. He still can't crawl but compensates by rolling like a log (he resembles one, too). He totally adores his kuya and I can't wait to see the two of them play and fight together.

Husbo's coming home next month so the boys and I will be off to QC to see him. His homecoming isn't as joyous as it should be because my FIL is in the middle of a health crisis and it has all of us stressed and saddened. We're staying positive though.

Oops, have to skedaddle because Kuya's asking me to play with him. The perks of being a mom. :D

Mood Music: Awful Beautiful Life

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! I've also been away in the blogging world but hope to get my groove back soon.  I miss blogging.  Hope Tito gets well fast. 


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