
thinking happy thoughts

I've never been the most patient person in the world. It takes a great amount of willpower for me to stay calm and in control when all I really want to do is snap at someone or break something. And it can get really exhausting to have to keep my emotions in check.

And it's during those moments that I try to think of the good stuff, of the things that can make me smile. Here are a few that crossed my mind today when my little energy vampire tested the limits of my frail patience.

Soft rain. A bar of dark chocolate. Quiet moments. Green mangoes with bagoong. Sweet, seedless grapes. A good movie. Mark Ruffalo. "I luff yooouu!" from Jeolo. A kiss from J. Mac and cheese. Freshly changed sheets. A good run on the treadmill. Leveling up on my current favorite game. A clean house. The smell of Jeolo's armpits. A trip to the bookstore. J's signature beef dish. Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Opus 125. 

Mood Music: Ode to Joy