
running back into shape

After we came back from our vacation last January, I didn't really make much of an effort to lose the weight I gained while we were back home. For the first few weeks, I was feeling a bit homesick so I wanted to keep eating and eating.

By the beginning of March, I felt that it was time to start getting back into shape. I vowed to play more badminton but it hasn't turned out as well as I wanted it to. The games are scheduled in the evenings from 7-11 pm so J can't come and fetch me afterwards because Jeolo's asleep by that time and he also has to prepare for his work shift which is at midnight. I've ended up playing only sporadically and that obviously isn't going to help me lose weight much.

I decided instead to go back to running on the treadmill and it's been going quite well. I've said before that treadmill running bores me because all I can see ahead of me is a wall. I didn't want that to deter me again so I made a special effort to come up with a great music playlist to keep me going.

Here's my current playlist which starts out with a warm up walk at 94 bpm, a peak run at 176 bpm then cools down to a leisurely walk at 88 bpm:

  1. Ballad for Kay by Acoustic Alchemy - 94 bpm
  2. Everlong by Foo Fighters - 158 bpm
  3. Take It Off by The Donnas - 159 bpm
  4. Runnin' Down A Dream by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers - 170 bpm
  5. Dancing With Myself by Billy Idol - 176 bpm
  6. Do You Know Me by John Mayer - 159 bpm
  7. Sunday Morning by Maroon 5 - 88 bpm

I'll probably stick with this for another week before changing it up again and, hopefully, be able to add another half-a-mile to my distance. Please send me your positive vibes! :)

Mood Music: Born To Run by Bruce Springsteen


  1. After each vacation, I return to UAE with excess baggage within me. Haha. Hirap mag lose weight!


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