
a peek at Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to watching this movie. The trailer alone gave me goosebumps. It covers the final book in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and it seems to be darker and more gothic than the previous ones. The actual movie has been split into two with the first part to be released in November of this year and the second part in July 2011. 

Over the years, one or two of the Harry Potter movies managed to disappoint me somewhat after the director took his artistic license a bit too far in my humble opinion. I read that there will also be some plot changes on these last two but I hope they're not big enough to take away the distinctive vibe that readers loved in the book.

Watching this trailer made me feel both excited and sad. Excited because it looks to be an awesome cinematic finish to the series and sad because this really is the end of one of my favorite sagas ever.

Mood Music: The End by The Beatles


  1. I still haven't finished reading the books, but I already marathoned the movies. I understand what you mean by being excited and sad about something that is a culmination of a saga. Felt it for Star Wars and other series.

  2. Oh, but you must! :) Yeah, I felt the same way, too, for Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.


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