
back in circulation

Hey there, blog. Sorry I've been remiss in updating you lately. I haven't been in the mood to do much online except to lurk. I was busy with other stuff and then a friend sent me some e-books which ended up consuming the rest of my free time. Percy Jackson and the Olympians were way too much fun to "put down" until I was through with all of them.

Now that I'm done though, I'll be coming back with a vengeance. Just you wait.

Mood Music: Taking Care of Business by Bachman-Turner Overdrive


  1. wow! i'm not finished with the dresden files and here you are finishing percy jackson. i can't keep up!

  2. Hehehe, don't mind me. Once I start I book, I have this compulsion to finish it immediately to the exclusion of almost everything else.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this post. Have a wonderful day!