
Inside the Actors Studio...

I wanted to write about something that happened to me on the train yesterday that made my hackles rise but I've lost steam since then so I'm binning that entry. I still wanted to post something and I decided to do this meme that I found while blog-hopping. It's based on the questions James Lipton asks of his guests on Inside the Actors’ Studio, inspired by the French interviewer Bernard Pivot.

1. What is your favorite word? Happy.

2. What is your least favorite word? Can't.

3. What turns you on, spiritually or emotionally? Humor, honesty, smoldering passion, music, confidence.

4. What turns you off, spiritually or emotionally? Selfishness, negativity, intolerance, narrow-mindedness.

5. What sound or noise do you love? Soft rain falling, a surprised gasp, a finger-picked guitar, my baby's giggle and my hubby's voice whispering "I love you".

6. What sound or noise do you hate? A retching sound.

7. What is your favorite curse word? Oh, shit!

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? An events planner or a travel show host, haha!

9. What profession would you not like to do? Anything that has to do with sitting behind a desk all day and doing a lot of pencil-pushing.

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? The people you love are waiting for you.

I'm tagging NNG, Claire, and Risa.


  1. those answers were beautiful...i really felt someone was reading out what i felt...the sound u like- ur baby giggling...that was really sweet...

    chikku :)

  2. Thank you, chikku! :o) Why don't you play along, too? Consider yourself tagged!


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