
getting ready

Okay, since we decided to finally try and have another baby, it's high time for me to start cleaning up my act. I haven't been eating very healthy the past year nor have I been exercising regularly and it's time to change that.

When I was pregnant with Jeolo, I was on a low-sodium, low-sugar, low-fat, high-fiber diet. I planned my meals properly, making sure I was taking in enough vegetables, the right amount of fish and meat, and snacked on fruits. When I was too lazy to actually eat fruits, I made them into smoothies and drank them instead.

And before we even found out that I was preggers, I made my husband promise to not give in whenever I craved for chips, soda or chocolate; not even if I'd get mad at him or threw a tantrum or cried. And he really did stick to his promise and I hated him for it sometimes. Grrr! I was very thankful for this later though because I barely experienced getting a swollen nose or swollen feet and fingers. Even up to the time I gave birth, my wedding ring still fit. Only my feet got a little bigger because after I went home on my 7th month, I kind of caved in to my cravings and J wasn't there to stop me.

Another good thing is that I'm not a coffee-drinker or a smoker because the stress of having to give them up on top of a diet and exercise overhaul would probably be quite stressful. And since neither smoking nor caffeine is very helpful in conceiving, those who are into them should start weaning themselves as early as possible.

If I was able to do all that then, I know I can do it again. The only thing I need to do more of is exercise. I wasn't able to do as much of it as I should have and that will definitely have to change. Add to that prayers, a happy and positive disposition plus a supportive husband then I'm all set. Bring it on, baby!

Mood Music: Blessed by Elton John


  1. With all the hormonal changes during pregnancy that women's bodies and psyche have to deal with, it would be doing ourselves a favor to try changing any bad habits, eating or otherwise, that we may have before trying to conceive. Plus it always pays to be healthy all the time! :)

  2. all set indeed :) it's nice reading your diet plans. i can relate. one of the reasons why i started choosing healthy options in eating and drinking is because i want it to be easier for me to resist to temptations when i get pregnant plus the fact that i really want to be healthy (i'm not getting any younger hehe) per se. in 2006 i made a couple of changes in my lifestyle. i weaned myself from coffee. i used to drink coffee 2-3 times a day, now 2-3 times a week na lang (minsan decaf pa). i only eat chips 1 or 2 bags a week (weekends lang). like you i snack on fruits, eat lots of veggies and fish and lessened the meat.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this post. Have a wonderful day!