
my smiley face

I'm sure my having a new theme no longer comes as a surprise to friends who visit my blog from time to time. I get bored after using a certain template for some time so I keep changing it up.

This time, I wasn't sick yet of my previous template. I actually loved it very much and still plan on using it again eventually. The only reason I gave it up was because I couldn't get the JavaScript for a set of emoticons to work on it. And I wanted my smilies! :D

I tried testing them on different templates and they worked except with the one I was using, hmpf. Since I wanted them badly, I decided to trade in my pretty pink/crimson theme with this white and red one  instead. It's bit more austere but the elements I want are available so I'm happy. :e

Mood Music: Smile Like You Mean It by The Killers


  1. Wish I knew how to change my template. Have had mine for quite sometime already.

  2. I'm almost an expert on changing templates, hehe. That's what boredom can do. ;) Anyway, it's easy. I'll message you on FB na lang.


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